Stuart Little

Yeah, you look pale.
Maybe you should see a vet.
A vet? What a swell idea.
Do you know one?
I'm not happy with mine.

He makes us wait,
and his hands are cold.

What was that?
What was what?
What was that-- What?
Well, I hate to eat and run.
No, please. By all means, run.
Run like the wind!
Phew, that was gross.
Snow, I almost forgot to thank you.
What the...?
Oh, no.
Oh, my pants.
They're putting
some wild prizes in there.

Hello. You must be
a friend of Snowbell's.

-I'm Stuart.
-Aren't you gonna run?

Because you're a mouse.
I'm not just a mouse.
I'm also a member of this family.
A mouse with a pet cat.
A mouse with a pet cat!
I guess that is pretty funny.
Pretty funny?! I'm gonna wet my fur!
A mouse with a pet cat!
Your new little master.
Wait till the boys hear about this.
The humiliation.
I'm gonna kill you!
Come back here!
