Stuart Little

What's wrong?
Well, It's just...
:42:13 four look great together.
This is the happiest moment
of my life.

I feel 10 inches tall.
I'll get that.
-Mr. Little.

Down here.
Very sorry to disturb you
at your lovely abode.

I hope we're not intruding.
My name's Reginald Stout.
This is my wife, Camille.

An extreme pleasure.
We're looking for Stuart.
Are you friends of his?
Well, not exactly.
-Fellow yachtsmen?
-Guess again.

Reggie, just tell them.
We're his parents.
Reggie, stop it!
It's so good to see you again, Stuart.
There's so much we have to catch up on.
Why didn't you want me?
It shames me to say this, but you
weren't born into a prosperous home.

That's right.
We couldn't feed you, dear.

Couldn't feed him?
How much could he eat?

George, please.
Letting you go was the toughest choice
we ever made.

-It was?

But now we can be a family again.
Absolutely. Are these salted?
The children.
