Summer of Sam

Bye. l gotta go, OK? Just...
She can't give you what you want.
Yeah, let's not talk about her, OK?
((sound) ''Best Of My Love'' by The Emotions)
(sound) l like the way you make me feel
about you, baby

(sound) l want the whole wide world to see
(sound) Whoa, whoa
(sound) You've got the best of my love
(sound) Whoa, whoa
(sound) You've got the best of my love
(sound) Whoa, whoa...
l'm feeling a little guilty now.
- Now?
- Yeah, and l'm... l'm thinking...

l'm trying to be a good husband now.
l just don't feel like we can do it.

Vinny, you're like a friggin' yo-yo,
back and forth, forth and back.

Let's do it, let's not do it.
You know what? Let's just not do it.

- OK? That's it.
- (mumbles)

You think you're the only one
with feelings? l got a husband at home.

l know. l agree with you absolutely.
You're a selfish bastard.
You're a selfish bastard.

You started this. l didn't start this.
- l know it's my fault.
- Put your fuckin' clothes on.

Clothes l put on your back.
(sound) Oh, oh-oh
(sound) Oh
(sound) Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...
- Maybe we should do it one more time.
- Come on.

Oh, Vinny, stop.
- Come on, beg me for it.
- Oh, come on, Vinny.

Oh, Vinny. Come on.
(sound) You've got the best of my love
(sound) Oh, giving you the best of my love
With that reward money, l'd start
a college fund for my daughter.

Yeah? l'd buy a yacht. Like Hugh Hefner,
l'd get Playboy bunnies walking around.

You can't get a yacht with ten grand.
You'd get a row boat
with two Puerto Rican skanks.
