There was only one way
I'd ever get what I wanted.
I would have to become
exactly like those people l saw...
getting kissed in the movies.
- I would have to become--
- A superstar.
Ooh, ah.
[ "Ave Maria" ]
This is St. Monica's.
It was the first place
I really thought l had a chance...
of making my dream come true.
The Lord's Prayer]
[ Whispering ]
Superstar !
- Amen.
- Shh.
-[Singing Continues]
- Sorry.
So I tried out for every star-making
activity that St. Monica's offered.
- Higher. Higher.
- Like ballet.
Ooh !
And my gymnastics tryout
didn 't go very well either.
- [Whistle Blows]
- [ Grunts ]
Whoa !
[Girls Laughing]
Evian Graham,
the most beautiful, most popular,
most bulimic girl
at St. Monica's.
Summer, Autumn,
I need your help.
- Yes, Evian ?
- Yes, Evian ?
We could either organize a walkathon
to fight multiple sclerosis...
or a bike-a-thon
to fight polio.
- What'll it be ? Hmm ?
- Hmm.
All the boys liked her.
I think because she had a nice body.