What are you looking at,
boobsweat ?
- Nothing.
- It's called a bra, Mary.
But don't worry.
You'll never need one.
Ow ! You hurt my titty.
I'm sorry. You had a little spot
there on your brassiere,
and I was just trying
to... wipe it off.
I'm sorry.
I got this after-schooljob
at Kip 's Video Warehouse...
as the rewind girl...
so that I could study
as many superstars as possible.
I thought
the more movies I watched,
the more they'd rub off on me,
and people said that they did.
Especially movies like Carrie,
starring Academy Award-winner
Sissy Spacek.
What are you doing ?
I'm using my telekinesis
to kill the girl...
who threw pig's blood on me
at the prom.
Kip also had those made-for-
television movies which I love.
Father, forgive me
for I have sinned.
It has been two days
since my last confession.
Go ahead.
Tell me your sins, my child.
Father, my sins
would best be expressed...
in a monologue from
the made-for-TV movie Sybil,
starring Sally Field as a woman
with multiple personality disorder.
- Go ahead.
- Ah, look at you.
My pretty little girl,
sitting there with her face all
painted up and a little halter top.
You're nothing
but a little slut.
Don't call me that.
I'm a Puerto Rican lady, senor.
We all know you're a slut,
Sybil Anne Dorsett.
We know you're a little slut.
No, I'm not ! I'm not a slut !