I'm not a slut!
I'm not a slut!
I'm not a slut! I'm not a slut!
I ain 't no slut!
[ Crying ]
[ Congregation Murmuring ]
Sorry. Sorry.
[ Speaking, lndistinct ]
No big deal.
The more I kept trying
to become a superstar,
the less they thought I was one.
In fact, they had
all these other names for me.
Hey, lesbo.
- Dogface.
- Panty stain.
-And they also called me--
- Skid mark.
- Nipple hair.
- Lame.
- Loser.
- Did I say lesbo ?
Are you aware that I am rubber
and you are glue...
and everything that you say to me
bounces off of me and sticks to you?
So put that in your
back pocket. Okay.
And then l saw the one
who I wanted to kiss.
Sam, what's up? Hey, Greg.
- Dig the sneaks.
- Thanks.
Debbie, shaved your legs.
- Hey, Tom, sorry your dad's dead.
- [Mary] It was him.
Sky Corrigan.
The best guy dancer
in the school.
Don't stop it"
- I call this one The Pepper Mill.
-"Don't stop, don't stop it"
"Don't, don't, don't
Don't stop it"
Uh-oh. Is that the prettiest girl
in all of St. Monica's ?
All signs point to "yes."
[Sky] I bet you put that
cherry lip gloss on just for me.
- Shut up.
- You shut up.
- No, you shut up.
- Make me shut up.