
I was just-- I was just doing
my part to save the rain forest.

Mary, you're a special girl,
so special that we're going
to put you in special ed.

What are you doing
with your hands ?

Sometimes when I get nervous,
I stick my fingers under my arms...

and I smell them like that.
[ Inhaling ]
The universe.
How does it work ?

The Earth circles
around the sun.

Mary, welcome to special ed.
- My name is...
- Helen Lewengrub.

Is that all you got ?
She was center for
the girl's basketball team.

She was a lean,
mean fighting machine.

Do you have a best friend ?
You wanna be my best friend ?

Maybe. I have to be
really honest with you.

Your intense energy is making me
feel a little bit bombarded.

Sorry. Totally.
When I call your name,
just say "here, "hmm?Hmm?Hmm?

- Howard Feinstein? Hmm?
- Yo! Present.

Howard thinks all the girls
in school wanna sleep with him.

And the boys too.
You wanna quit
looking at me, fruity.

I don't play butt darts, okay ?
I love the ladies.
- Owen Flanagan ?
- Here. Here. Here. Here. Here.

Owen has
obsessive-compulsive disorder.

He says everything,
like,five times.

- Maria Ganitisis?
- Here.

But, uh, the devil
speaks for me, obviously.


- Thomas Smith?
- Here.

But I don't know where here is, man,
'cause I'm so wasted, man.

Thomas, stop pretending
that you're high on drugs.
