
Miss Gallagher,
howdoes it feel to be a superstar?

This was my chance.

If I could win the talent contest,
Sky's lips would definitely be mine.

Hey, everybody. I dreamt of
this new dance move last night.

I call this The Fax Machine.
- [ Buzzing ]
- Oh !

I wish I could dance
with Sky Corrigan.

Sky's definitely the Swayziest,
but he's gonna dance with Evian.

- Exactly! You did it perfectly.
- [ Laughing ]

You're so good.
[ Engine Rewing ]
What do you think Slater
would do in the talent show ?

Maybe he'll murder some people...
and make a flesh coat
by sewing their skin hides together.

[ Groans ]
I'm sorry.
I was rewinding Silence of the Lambs
at the video store yesterday.

lsn't it romantic
"Merely to be young"
On such a night
As this
lsn't it romantic
Merely to be young
On such a night as this
Singing in the moonlight
[ Man Speaking ]
lntroductions are important.

When introducing oneself,
first make eye contact.

With a confident smile,
say, "Hi. I'm--"

- Mary Katherine Gallagher.
- Not bad. Try again.

Hi. I'm Mary Katherine Gallagher.
- And where is your hand ?
- Right here.

In a new friend's hand,
that's where.

