That's my 19th favorite
made-for-TV movie of all time.
- That's my 19th also.
- Wow.
"All around me.
- "A bubble for me--"
- "To be--"
"Germ free. You--"
- "And me."
- "And me."
Sky, forget that stupid old movie.
I'm getting Flubber again.
Okay, Evian.
Hey, nice meeting you.
Mary Katherine Gallagher.
Mary Katherine Gallagher.
- Sky.
- Sky.
- Be kind. Rewind.
- Okay.
[ Laughing ]
That's funny.
Evian ?
- Mary, rewind this.
- Oh, sure.
The Boy in the Plastic Bubble.
I used to watch that movie
all the time. See ya.
Listen, I'll be back later
to help you get inside, okay ?
[ Quoting Dialogue ]
ls he the one you're going with ?
Who says I'm going with anybody ?
Todd, put your face
up against the plastic.
- What for ?
- I did what you wanted me to do.
Now do it.
Do it. Do it.
[ Sighs ]
[ Humming ]
Hey, Mare.
What you doing ?
Well, I was just
doing the robot.
It's something that I was thinking
about doing for the talent show.
Hi, Mary. I like to do all I can
to help the challenged.
So a word ofadvice.
I wouldn't say "Superstar"
because some people might say
that you super-suck.