We rewind it.
It ends.
You're dead.
How was it ?
My feelings would best
be expressed in a monologue...
from the made-for-TV movie
Portrait of a Teenage Centerold,
starring Miss Lori Singer
from Footloose.
Ifyou must.
It excites me, Daddy.
Don't you see ?
I like it
when the men look at me.
You try to keep me trapped here
in this small town...
like a little animal.
But I am bustin' out, Daddy.
I'm gonna see the world,
and the world is gonna see me.
They're gonna see
all of me, Daddy.
-All of me!
- Mary--
- Mary, stop that ! Stop that now !
- Look ! Look !
What are you doing
with my grandchild ?
Nothing !
We were--
[ Clears Throat ]
Mrs. Gallagher,
I called you here today to discuss
your granddaughter's problem.
Now, upon reflection, I think a
combination of prayer and Ritalin...
could eliminate her excess energy.
How dare you.
My Mary has no problem.
My granddaughter is a star.
- What ?
- Look at that face.
She looks like a young
Elizabeth Taylor.
You may call her hyperactive.
But if the Good Lord
gave her excess energy,
then, by God, no one's
taking it from her.
If you don't appreciate that,
maybe the problem
is not my granddaughter.
Maybe the problem is this school.
- I'm taking her home.
- Mrs. Gallagher !
Good day to you, sir.
Mary !
Mrs. Gallagher,
listen to reason. Ay !
I couldn 't believe my grandmother
told Father Ritley I was a star.
She'd never said that before.
She'd also never
run over a priest before.
I can't believe he suspended you.
It so wasn't your fault.