- [ Gasping ]
-Just breathe.
- [Mary] Poor Evian.
- [Helen] Lucky you.
Sky's a single slice
of beefcake now.
And he's on the rebound.
It's, like, so obvious that you two
are gonna hook up.
You really think so ?
he said you have nice moves.
That means he was
looking at your body,
which means
he thinks you're doable.
So basically,
he asked you to sleep with him.
My goodness. This relationship
is moving too fast.
Go talk to him before
somebody else dates him.
- Go. Go. Go.
- I don't know.
Go !
Excuse me.
- Hey, Mary.
- Hey, what's up ? What's up ?
Um, Sky, I know...
that you haven't been s-single
for a long time...
or anything like that,
but I was wondering...
if-- if--
- [ Growling ]
- Oh, God, you smell so good.
Oh, no !
- Sorry.
- It's gonna be okay.
Now you have
to audition for the show.
'Cause that way Sky
could see how talented you are,
and he will definitely kiss you.
Really ?
You think so ?
- Totally.
- Wow.
Sky, promise me,
after you destroy the meteor
that's headed towards Earth,
you'll come back and kiss me.
I promise, babe.
All my bags are packed
I'm ready to go
"l'm standing here"
Outside your door