You passed the audition.
I did ? I did ?
Oh, my goodness !
[ Laughing ]
Really ? I did ?
But they want you to lose
the end with the paint.
Really ? Please let me do it.
Please let me do it.
I can't let you be
in any talent show, Mary.
But I can help you to star in one.
You see that there ?
I danced in that show on Broadway.
And these dead stems...
used to step-ball-change...
two shows a day,
six days a week.
If you're going
on the stage, Mary,
I don't want you
stinking up the place...
with some paint dance.
Grandma, you don't know
how much this means to me.
There's this boy at school--
No boys.
If you're going to do this,
you're going to do it for yourself,
like I did.
- Higher ! Kick higher !
- I can't. It's hard.
- Razzle, dazzle !
- I don't know what that means.
- Windmill, windmill !
- Windmill, windmill.
Oh, Frances !
Sweet Frances, please don't die.
Frances, Frances, please don't die.
Frances, go back.
She needs you.
Go back.
You wanna go fetch ?
Go fetch.
Go fetch. That way,
my dog friend. Go on.
- Frances.
- [ Growls ]
[Frances Yipping]
She's alive !
You're all right.
Super. Now,
if we really want to knock them
on their keisters,
we're going to need
a chorus line.
One, two--
- What's his problem ?
- I got the D.T.'s, Mrs. Gallagher.