Sweet and Lowdown

There are a few Emmet Ray
stories before that...

but I have no idea whether
they're true or not.

First time anybody seemed
to have heard of him was in Chicago.

It was at this roadside joint.
Good to see you tonight.
- Where the hell is he?
- I don't know.

You gotta get him, Dan.
He's layin' drunk somewhere.

- He's probably in a poolroom.
- Every night it's somethin' else.

He's late. He gets drunk.
He falls off the bandstand.

- I told you not to hire this guy.
- What time does Emmet Ray go on?

Look at the crowd.
Think they're here to see me?

Relax. I'll find him.
I'm gonna have to
hold the show again.

I'll kill this guy.
I don't care what kind of artist he is.

You take care of business.
I'll find him. Just relax.

Hey, good to see you again.
That's 50 more you owe me.
I'm not goin' out of town.
Another one?

I think you got some visitors.
I'll be back.
- What'd we get?
- Here's your end.

This is what you bring me, $30?
It's almost midnight. $30?

That's half, Emmet.
That's all we made.

I can't live on that.
I got car payments, I got new shirts.

I'm sorry. Business was slow.
It's a Jewish holiday.

And last night it was rainin', and
the night before you got food poisonin'.

- Because I drank that booze you made.
- Listen, Emmet.

I don't know how to tell you this,
but while I was in bed...

with one of the johns you sent me,
he got very excited, and he...

got a heart attack,
and he dropped dead.

- Which one?
- The salesman from Detroit.

- What did you do?
- I took my clothes and I left.

So there's nothin'
to trace back to us?

Then I was thinking that maybe
he had one of your business cards.
