Sweet and Lowdown

Sooner or later,
everybody's dreams go up in smoke.

What about my dreams?
I can't settle down, Ann.
- We don't have to marry.
- I can't.

I gotta be free.
I'm an artist.

I thought you liked me.
We have fun.
I took you to the dump.
I let you shoot my gun at some rats.

Shootin' rats at the dump
is not my idea of a good time.

Why not?
We brought sandwiches.

And sittin' at the railroads watchin'
trains, that's pretty strange too.

See? That's what I mean.
What I like to do, what you like to do,
ain't the same thing.

That's not it, Emmet.
It's that you keep
your feelings locked up...

and you can't feel nothin'
for anybody else.

You say that
like it's a bad thing.

Some terrible things happen
to people in love. I know. I've seen it.

I enjoy the company of women.
I love 'em.

It's just that
I don't need 'em.

I guess, you know, that's the way it is
when you're a true artist.

It doesn't mean
we can't fool around.
