in that sublime automobile
of yours.
To the ends of the earth.
Astonish me.
It's fun, isn't it?
Well, it's definitely different.
Make sure you don't pull it.
You squeeze it.
Squeeze the trigger.
- Do you do this often?
- Every chance I get.
Specifically, what's the thrill?
Well, I'm not sure, really.
There's one.
And you got him!
Do you get a bigger kick
doing this or stealing small objects?
You know what?
I could really use a drink.
I stop in here every time
I come through Chicago.
She makes great chili.
You like chili?
What do you think of
when you play?
What goes through your mind?
What are your real feelings?
I don't know.
That I'm underpaid.
I think about that sometimes.
Tell me about the girl
you lived with.
She was nice, but I told her
not to fall in love with me.
It was very one-sided.
She was nice, but I just
cut out one night.
She was asleep, I left 500 cash
by the bed, got my stuff...
and got outta there
at 4:00 in the morning.
I didn't want a scene.
She must have really loved you.
I didn't say it was
an easy decision, but...
I needed more than Hattie.
- Do you miss her?
- Not a bit.
I did the right thing for me.
Maybe I wouldn't have met you.
Come on, Emmet. Join us, man.
Cut loose with the fellas.
- You know you want to.
- Yeah?
Come. You'll enjoy this.
I'm great. I really am.