It was a strange feeling.
A total stranger gave me a CD
I really liked.
It was coincidental, but...
you felt so close,
as ifI'd known you for a long time.
Did you go
to alcohol cessation class today?
The doctor said
that I no longer had to come.
Take a guess.
- Ki.
- Ki?
You're unbelievable!
They're ''Kissingurami.''
Ifone ofthem dies,
the other dies too.
They dry up from malnutrition
or their scales fall off.
Don't let them die.
Feed them once a day,
and change the water--
Every five days.
They don't survive
where it's dark and cold.
Keep the lights on all the time.
I might do the same thing
ifyou left me alone.
Undertheslogan of
''Reunification oftwo Koreas''...