Kim speaking.
Yes. Okay.
As a part ofa new weapons system
being developed...
we launched the CTX project
If Kim was doing business
with the weapons dealer...
chances are very high
that it was CTX.
Tell me more about the CTX.
CTX is a new type ofenergy...
originally invented by
Korea Energy Development Lab.
We've been working on
turning it into a weapon.
At first, we had problems with
its delicate detonation conditions...
but the test we did last month
was successful.
People atyour agency
know about this too.
It'll bring a sensational change
to the military's weapons systems.
How's it different
from the conventional bombs?
It's a liquid bomb.
What's most amazing about CTX is
that it's indistinguishable from water.
When it's in a normal state,
there's neither smell nor color...
and you can't detect the liquid itself
with any devices.
Yet the effect is
ten times more powerful than...