Kala, it won't replace
the one we lost.
I know that.
But... he needs me.
But, it-it-it--
Kala, look at it.
It's not our kind.
No. You have to take it back.
Take him back ?
But he'll die !
- If the jungle wants him--
- I want him.
Kala, I cannot let you put
our family in danger.
- Does he look dangerous to you ?
Hmm. Was it alone ?
Sabor killed his family.
- Are you sure ?
- Yes. There are no others.
Then you may keep him.
- Kerchak, I know he'll be a good son.
- I said he could stay.
That doesn't make him
my son.
We will nest here
for the night.
So, um,
whatcha gonna call it ?
I'm gonna call him...
Tarzan ? Okay.
He's your baby.
All right, little lady, come on.
It's way past your nest time.
- Oh, Mom, five more minutes ?
- No !
- Two more minutes ?
- No !
One more "minutes" ?
- Shh, shh, shh. Don't cry. I'm here.
Come on, come on.