What was that ?
Ayah, it wasn't me.
I swear !
- Okay, maybe it was.
- Everyone!
Let's move.
This reminds me
of the safarilled up the Zambezi.
Back, back,
back, back, back.
Ooh, was it scary there.
Two men with only three rifles.
We blasted away.
That's when I knew
I was born for Africa !
And Africa
was created for--
Clayton !
Clayton !
Oh, there you are.
What is it ? What is it, Clayton ?
Are we in danger?
I thought I saw something.
Is it a Hippopotamus Amphibious,
or a Rhinoceros Bihornus ?
- Professor, don't move !
- Ah, right.
Daddy ?
Daddy, what's all
the hullabaloo about ? Aah !
What is it, Daddy ?
Mr Clayton asked me not to move.
He saw something.
Oh, I moved.