Leave him alone!
Holy shit. Oh, my God.
Did I do that? Yeah, Jo, you did that.
All right, let's get out of here.
No, we can't just leave.
Yes, we can. We can just go.
They're not gonna know we
No, we can't
Is she dead? I don't know. She's not moving.
No, no, you're wrong.
She's breathing. She has to be.
Make her breathe.
it grazed her. There's some blood,
but she should be fine.
She doesn't look fine. Oh, my God.
What do we do? Wait, let me think for a second.
How are we gonna explain this? Damn it
She'll press charges
Maybe we should just finish her.
No, we can't finish her
We have to think this through
Oh, God.
Should we just leave her there?
That's it.
You guys all right? Yeah.
I'm dizzy. Watch her head
Shit. Sorry.
Come on, let's just get her up there.
Come on, let's go.
How's her head?
it's minimal. She'll be all right.
Here, take this.
I found these. What are you doing?
Tying her up.
No, you're not Did you see the way she
I unged at me? Come on.
Come on
What's the plan?
Well, when she wakes up, we'll reason with her.
Oh, yeah. We know how that works.
Do you have a better idea?