Don't worry about me.
I don't care what happens.
Oh. of course.
Your concern begins
and ends with Leigh Ann.
Don't worry, Luke.
She's attracted to you. I can tell.
No, Leigh Ann's pretty repulsed by me.
Oh, come on, Luke.
You've gotten one or two
cheerleaders drink in your time.
You know a thing or two about women.
Cleopatra rebuked Anthony...
simply because she desired him.
Nah, it's different.
Leigh Ann and I had our moment, and it passed.
Tell me about it.
Back in the tenth grade, there was this... party...
where Leigh Ann and I
kind of hooked up once.
The keyword being once.
I blew it.
She was uncomfortable at the party.
Little social dysfunction...
as a result of studying way too much.
She was hiding out in the bathroom.
I kept her company and we kind of...
had our own little party, you know?
Sounds incredibly Zhivago.
Yeah, but...
the next day, she acted like I was diseased.
I guess the guilt set in.
I never had another chance.
it was over before it began.
Guess I wasn't part of her master plan.
She's been kinda wild on me ever since.
She done yet? Jo Lynn's back.
Enter Ophelia.
U h, yeah, pretty much.
Places, everyone. The plot is about to thicken.
I, uh, opted for the disposable.
Now, I thought I'd keep this blocking
fairly simple. Mrs. Tingle,