I thank the lord
for his advice,
though I don't recall
hearing any exploits of his...
apart from killing
his brothers.
You sit down
And be silent !
These are guests
at what is still my table !
There is a man
who was at Estwyck.
I saw the thing
that did this clear enough !
Teeth like a lion,
head like a bear,
claws that could tear
a plank to kindling.
They come in the night,
in the mist.
Always in the darkest, like they
could see in the black.
Did they go on two legs
or four ?
It seems they did both, like a thing
that was both man and bear.
Though, myself,
I cannot tell.
I saw the glow-worm, though.
Saw it clear.
We all did on the last night.
Saw it come down out of the hills,
through the mist.
Slithering this way and that.
Long as a hundred ships.
Spitting fire at us
as it came.
My father's father
always warned of it.
Said it was a hate
from old times.
There will be fog.
- Bring me my armour!
I will stand
the watch with you.
My lord, the children
will need protection.
Should they pass us,
then you and yours must stop them.