The Cider House Rules

You know, Homer, of course?
And I made his name Wells
because I could tell he was...

very deep.
In truth,
Nurse Angela named him.

Her father drilled wells, and she once
owned a cat named Homer.

Bye-bye, Homer.
- Good night,
you Princes of Maine,
- Can we see the doctor?

You Kings of New England.
- Good night.
- Doctor?

There's something wrong with him.

- He never makes a sound.
- He didn't cry.

Orphan babies learn
there's no point in it.

Do you think we could have a look
at someone a little different?

Thus was Homer Wells returned.
He was too happy a baby.

- Bye, Homer.
The second
family to adopt him had a gift
for getting sounds out of Homer.

- They beat him.
He couldn't stop crying.
Shh, shh.
Shh, shh, shh.

It's okay now.
Nobody's gonna hurt you
any more.

Here in St.
Cloud's, I try to consider with
each rule I make or break...

that my first priority
is an orphan's future.

Twice adopted,
twice returned.

It didn't bode well.
And yet it was always clear to
me that he was a special boy.

- Near the angle of the rib. And...
- It was with
Homer's future in mind...
- Homer?

- That I began his tutorials.
- If you're going to stay at St. Cloud's,

I expect you to be of use.
I admit
that our lessons were, in part,

- the simple expression
of a father's love.
- Homer.

But in failing to
withhold love...
