A walk.
Well, she always was
a great walker.
Jealousy's a terrible thing.
Well, you know you
can trust me, Henry.
You know, I went so far...
as to get the name
of a private detective.
You think she's seeing someone?
- Of course you think me a fool.
- No, Henry.
I don't think you're a fool.
- You mean you think it's possible?
- Of course.
Sarah's human.
Can't sleep.
Keep picking up...
this wretched card.
Burn it.
- I wish I could.
- Then go see what's-his-name, Savage?
And sit where all
the jealous husbands sit?
Do you think they have
a waiting room, Bendrix...
where we see each other's faces
as we pass through?
Why not let me go, Henry?
- You?
- Yes.
I could pretend
to be a jealous lover.
Jealous lovers are less ridiculous
than jealous husbands.
They're supported
by the weight of literature.
Tragic, never comic.
Think of Troilus.
Well, I shan't lose my amour-propre
when I interview Mr. Savage.
This is ridiculous.
One can't spy on one's wife
through a friend...
and have the friend
pretend to be her lover.
- What else are friends for?
- You're a good chap, Bendrix.
All I needed was to talk,
clear my head.