Maybe you've given him reason.
What reason could I give?
What reason did you give me?
- Are you on a new book?
- Of course.
It's not about us, is it?
The one you threatened to write.
A book takes a year to write.
It's too hard work for revenge.
If you knew how little
you had to revenge.
I'm joking.
Yeah, we had a good time together.
We're adults, and we knew
it had to end sometime.
And now we can lunch
and talk about Henry.
I'm sorry.
This was stupid,
and I really shouldn't have called.
That cough needs attending to.
It's only a cough.
Good-bye, Maurice.
- Your menu, sir.
- Thank you.
I'm sorry, but you have to realize
I'm jealous of everything that moves.
- I'm jealous of the rain.
- How can you be jealous of the rain?
Where did you get it?
That was my war, I'm afraid.
It finished me off for this one.
You were shot. How romantic.