The Green Mile

DOE on Bitterbuck.
You didn't come down here
to hand me a DOE.

I had an angry call from the
state capitol about 20 minutes ago.

Is it true you ordered Percy Wetmore
off the block?

It is.
Now, I'm sure you had reason, Paul. . .
. . .but like it or not, the wife
of the governor has only one nephew. . .

. . .and his name is Percy Wetmore.
Little Percy calls his aunt. . .
. . .and squeals like a schoolroom sissy.
He mention he assaulted a prisoner
this morning out of sheer petulance?

Broke three fingers
on Eduard Delacroix's left hand.

I didn't hear that.
I'm sure she didn't either.

He is mean, careless and stupid. . .
. . .and that's a bad combination
in a place like this.

Sooner or later, he'll get
somebody hurt or worse.

Stick with it, Paul.
It may not be much longer.
I have it on good authority that Percy
has an application in at Briar Ridge.

Briar Ridge? The mental hospital.
Administration job.
Better pay.
Then why is he still here?
He can get that application
pushed through.

With his connections, he could have
any state job he wants.

You know what I think?
I think he just wants
to see one cook up close.

Well, he'll get his chance, then.
Won't he?

Maybe then he'll be satisfied
and move on. In the meantime. . .

. . .you'll keep the peace?
Of course.
Of course.
Thank you, Paul.
Hal. . .
. . .you give Melinda my love, okay?
I'm sure that x-ray will turn out
to be nothing at all.

You bet.
