The Green Mile

You can kiss my ass.
You try it. Go on.
Try it. You'll be on the bread lines
before the week is out.

Okay, Brutal.
We all know who your connections are.
You ever threaten a man on this block
again, we all gonna have a go.

Job be damned.
You done?
Get all this shit back in the room.
You are cluttering up my Mile.

Arlen. . .
. . .your daughter and her family
are here.

Let's move. I want at least two
rehearsals before he gets back.

Sitting down, sitting down!
Rehearsing now! Everybody settle!
Arlen Bitterbuck, step forward.
Stepping forward, stepping forward,
stepping forward.

-Is his head properly shaved?
-It's all dandruffy, and it smells.

I will take that as a yes.
Let's go, Arlen.
Walking the Mile, walking the Mile. . .
. . .walking the Mile, walking the Mile,
walking the Mile. . .

. . .walking the Mile.
I'm getting to my knees.
I'm praying, praying.

Lord is my shepherd
and so forth and so on.

I'm sorry for all the bad shit
I've done and people I've tramped on.

And I hope they forgive me. . .
. . .and I'll never do it again,
that's for sure.
