The Green Mile

Getting wired.
All right.
Getting all electrode.
Roll on one.
"Roll on one" means I turn
the generator up full.

The lights go brighter
in half the prison.

Arlen Bitterbuck. . .
. . .you've been condemned to die
by a jury. . .

. . .sentence imposed by a judge
in good standing in this state.

Anything to say before
your sentence is carried out?

I want fried chicken with gravy on the
taters, and I want to shit in your hat.

I got to have Mae West
sit on my face. . .

. . .because I'm one horny motherfucker.
You bastard.
That's a good one.
Quiet! Shut up!
-Shut up!
-Sorry, boss.

One more remark like that, I'll
have Van Hay roll on two for real.

And I'll have one less
crazy old trustee.

It was pretty funny.
I don't like it.
We'll be doing this for real.

I don't want anybody remembering
a stupid joke and getting going again.

Ever try not to laugh in church. . .
. . .when something funny gets stuck
in your head?

I'm sorry, Paul. You're right.
Let's keep going.
Soak the sponge.
Putting on the black hood.
And putting on my cap.
Why's he putting that sponge
on his head?

Conducts electricity to the brain
fast like a bullet.

You don't ever throw the switch
on a man without that.

Hush up there, Toot.
Getting screwed.
I'm getting the cap.
