The Haunting


These carvings
are really creepy.

All these fat little cherubs
and angels with furry animals.

It's really bizarre,
I think.

I think they're the children
Hugh Crain built the house for.

I don't buy that for a second--
that Hugh Crain
was this lovable old tycoon...

with a soft spot
for kids.

The guy was obviously
running a sweatshop.

Had children working
15 hours a day,

and then he builds
all this crap as propaganda.

It's like those Teletubbies.
Those things freak me out also.

And they sing, so they're actually even
kind of scarier, if you think about it.

How are you comin' along ?
- I can't get this one.

- What about you ?
- I did all right.
But that's another thing.

These tests.
It's like, why do we have to be here ?

Why do we have to be
in this weird old house ?

I like this house.
I think it's a beautiful house.

Yeah, I guess.
I don't know. I just think
Dr. Marrow's up to something.

I'll tell you another thing.
I'm gonna get
to the bottom of it,

right after I check on Theo,
that is.

See how
my old pal Theo's doing.

- Doing or wearing ?
- Yeah, no kidding.

Did you see
what she had on yesterday ?

Wow. Yeah, I definitely got
a soft spot for Theo.

Nell, I'm gonna shut this door
and give you a little privacy.


