Let's get outta here!
You black bastard, you!
Goddam it!
Please, mister! Put me down!
- Shut up, you son of a bitch!
- Put me down!
- I didn't-- didn't do nothin'!
- Come on! Let's go!
- I didn't-- I didn't--
- Shut up.
I didn't do nothin'.
- Come on, you--
- No!
- Get in there.
- I-It wasn't me.
I-- I-- didn't do nothin'!
Sit down, kid.
What have we got here?
It's a juvenile case.
He's a kid, Sarge.
He's only 11 years old.
It's a nigger with a knife.
I don't care how old he is.
Take care of him.
We know you were at the falls last week,
and we know what happened.
So you're gonna talk,
you little son of a bitch.
You'll be makin' speeches
when I get through with your black ass.
Ralph. Ralph.