That's what they said.
Apparently, the two gunmen entered the
bar and immediately started shooting.
According to William Marins,
two guys barged in and just opened fire.
Oliver goes down first.
Then Marins was the only one
who got a look at 'em.
Then they shoot Hazel Tanis
and leave.
- What's Bello doing?
- Bello was a lookout
for a burglary up the street.
- And who else saw anything?
- Patty Valentine.
She said she saw the getaway car.
And there was a man who lived across the
street by the name of Avery Cockersham.
Cockersham? That name
was in the police report.
- That's right.
- So how come he didn't testify?
Thejudge threw
the police report out.
Cockersham left town.
Nobody could find him.