The Iron Giant

You won't know he's there.
I'll cage him.

Until you feel sorry for him
and set him free in the house!

Do you remember the raccoon, Hogarth?

I remember the raccoon.

Please, Mom, at least look at him.

All right. Where is this guy?
I can't read this handwriting.
That one should have lettuce,
tomato, extra mayo.


I will go get him, okay?

So he wants us to hold the mayo
and the mustard.


How about just hold
the flavor altogether?


Excuse me.

Excuse me. Sir?

Excuse me--!

-What's that?
-Please don't move.

My pet's under your table.
Don't look!

If you make a scene,
my mom won't let me keep him.

-What kind of pet, kid?
-A squirrel.

He's friendly.
I'm telling the truth, dang it!
It came from outer space. l saw it.


And it was headed toward land.
I called the government
in Washington about it.

Maybe it was a Sputnik
or an invader from Mars.

That's what it is.
It's an invader from Mars!
A spaceship of some kind.
An unidentified flying object.

Unidentified? Knowing you, Earl,
I'd say it was either whiskey or beer.


I saw it too.

I rest my case.

I believe you.
What if it is Sputnik?

Or a flying saucer...
...from Mars?
I bet we could find it.

Sorry, kid.
I didn't really see anything.

If we don't stick up
for the kooks, who will?

Is my son bothering you, sir?
