The Iron Giant

A peaceful, stay-at-home
kind of day in a town...

... very much like your own.
But then, suddenly,
without warning...

...atomic holocaust!
But how does one survive
an atomic attack?


Did you hear about crazy Mr. Stutz?

He says his boat
ran into a sea monster.

I heard it was sunk by a meteor.
It was a metal meteor.
It ate his boat. My dad says--

It wasn't any of those.
What would you know about it,


Don't make me come over there.
Hands over your head
Keep low to the ground


Time to duck and cover
The bombs are coming down

Duck and cover

It's about 50 or 60 feet high
and it only eats metal.


Shut up, you little spaz!
It's been sent by foreigners
to take over the country.

We should bomb it to smithereens
before it does.


'Cause all the kids who don 't
Will cease to be around


Thanks for the scrap.
Sorry l can't pay you more.
But it's got this...


...this large bite out of it.

That's why l'm selling it.
It's got a large bite out of it.


-What could've done this?
-I told you what.


Strange invaders.
Thanks for believing me.
I really did call the government.

They're sending someone
to take care of the whole thing.

Jeez, Earl.
You really are crazy.

Who in the hell would
the government send?


Kent Mansley,
Unexplained Phenomena.


-Marv Loach. l--
-What happened?

Not sure. Sometimes the line'll snap
if the weather is bad, sure.


But for a whole tower to get
twisted up like that....

It's got me beat.

It's almost like it was bitten off
by some enormous beast.

Enormous beast.
What do you think?
Escaped gorilla?

What department is that again?
I'm not at liberty to reveal
the particulars of my agency...
