Her ovulation complete...
the female ceases her gyrations
and returns to her pack.
It is the male's opportunity.
Like all creatures
of the universe...
the male and female begin
by examining each other.
not willing to reveal
too much...
or commit too far.
The female bares her teeth
to show she wants to mate with him.
The male mimics this gesture...
to show that he, too,
would like to mate right now.
Encouraged, the male
attempts the next step.
It is a long walk for him.
He must make the perfect greeting
if he wishes to be fruitful.
If you're not a professional dancer,
you should be.
If you're not a professional dancer,
you should be!
- I think you're a great dancer!
- What?
But his introduction was flawed.
There will be no fruit
for the male this evening.
The female, for her part...
uses her time
in the sacred meeting ground...
fending off the advances
of all but the right males.
- This one lacks intellect.
- Bye.