I don't need cool.
And Robert was like
the smartest guy I'd ever met.
But he'd humiliate me every chance
he got. There's got to be better.
I think it's time
for a nice guy.
The male's sleeping hut.
Fuck! Fuck!
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
The male is now ready to mate.
Fuck. How could I lose
her number?
Billy, look
on the bright side, man.
If she was that fine, she probably
Gave you a bogus number anyway.
- I'll help you find it.
- The need for the female is harsh.
The male's body
tenses with anxiety.
A bodily liquid called "sweat"
is transferred through his pores.
A foam called "saliva"
dribbles out of his mouth.
This condition will not pass
until he has mated with his female.
The best-looking girl that ever
talked to me, and I lose her number.
- I blew it. I'm an asshole.
- All right, wait.
Let's just retrace your steps.
Where was the last place you saw it?
- Work.
- Right.
I was gonna call her, and you talked
me out of it. I put it in my pocket.
- Did you check your suit?
- It couldn't be in my suit.
My suit's been at the dry cleaners
this whole time.
I just picked it up this morn...
Oh, shit.
The male searches
through his animal skins.
Perhaps the female is inside.
Blinded by his need
to procreate...
the male shows some lint
to the other member of the pack.
"Is this the female I seek?"
he asks.
Yep. You're an asshole.
"No, it is not”,
responds the other.
The male finds solace
in a bound collection...
of sheaths of white tree bark.
Perhaps he will find
the female inside.
You're gonna call, like, every J. Smith
It's only, like,
four or five pages.
Face it, Billy.
You lost her.