The Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human

Are you ready to take
this relationship to the next step?

We just got to this step.
I think you'll like it.
Okay, sure.
If you think so.

Yikes! An AIDS test?
You said I'd like this.

Yikes! An AIDS test?
You said I'd like this.

You're the one who's always
complaining that using a condom...

is like taking a shower
in a raincoat.

This way
I'll have my diaphragm...

and we won't have
to worry about anything.

- I wasn't worried until we got here.
- It's just a precaution.

Besides, you said you haven't
been with that many women.

Yeah, but they were all
sluts and drug addicts.

Don't look at me
like that.

Waterson, William?
I don't want to be dying.
They say you start dying
the moment you're born.

Well, I want to stay dying
for another70 or 80 years.

As true mating
grows ever nearer...

the male seeks medical advice
from the large female.

Instead, she sticks him
with needles and sucks out his blood.

"What a bitch”,
thinks the male.

Not to be outdone
by her partner...

the female puts herself
through the same ordeal.

But she, too, thinks that
the large female is a big, fat bitch.

The male worries.
If his blood is tainted...

he will not be able
to propagate his species.

He takes it upon himself
to contact the large female...

making sure to keep
his concerns well hidden.

The female shares
these concerns as well.

She, too, decides
to contact the large female.

Hi. This is Jenny Smith.
I'm calling for the results
of my HIV test.
