Thank you!
Thank you very much.
You're so nice. Bye.
Oh. I see.
Are you sure?
All right. Thank you.
The male tells the pack
the horrific news.
His blood is unclean,
he has learned.
He can mate no longer.
No human cub will ever
Carry his genes.
- What exactly did they say?
- What's there to say?
They got the results.
It's negative.
Negative. My whole life
is one big, fat negative.
Jimmy, come on!
That's not funny!
You yutz.
Billy, negative means
you don't have it.
No. Negative means...
- Are you sure?
- I'm pretty sure.
The dance moves onward.
The male sheds
the vulcanized vegetation...
as nature deems it
no longer necessary for mating.
The female prepares her self a circular
form of vulcanized vegetation...
proportionally fitted
to her cervix.
She spreads cream on it
for added taste.
This is still not mating.
The cream in question contains an active
ingredient known as spermicide...
which preys on the chemical
makeup of semen...
destroying it before
it can reach the female's womb.
A microscopic view of the inner workings
Of spermicide may look like this...