"Thou shalt not kill"
Henry V of England and Charles VIof France sign the treaty of Troyes.
It says that the Kingdom of France shallbelong to England upon the King's death.
But both kings diewithin months of each other.
Henry VI, but a baby, is the new kingof England and France.
Charles VII, Dauphin of France,will not abandon his kingdom to a child,
nor to his tutor, the Duke of Bedford.
Bloody war breaks out,
the English and their Burgundy alliesinvade France.
Is anybody there?
I'm always happy to see you
but to keep coming 3 times a day...
I need to confess.
You already did this morning.
I need to confess again.
What is this terrible sinthat can't wait till tomorrow?
I saw a poor monk without shoes...so I gave him some.
There is no sin in charity.
They weren't mine.
Whose were they?
My father's.
He'll forgive you.
He already did,but I want Jesus to forgive me too.
If we were to ask forgivenessall the time
we'd spend our life in church.
Is that bad?
Well no, but...
Are you happy at home?
Yes... very.
Everything's fine with your mother?