The Mummy

Have you no respect for the dead?
Of course I do!
But sometimes, I'd rather like to join them.
Do it soon before you ruin my career...
...the way you've ruined yours. Get out!
My dear, sweet baby sister...
...l'll have you know...
...that at this precise moment
my career is on a high note.

"High note." Please, I'm really not
in the mood for you.

I've just made a bit of a mess
in the library...

...and the Bembridge scholars
rejected my application again.

They say I don't have enough experience
in the field.

You'll always have me, old mum.
Besides, I have just the thing
to cheer you up.

No, Jonathan,
not another worthless trinket.

If I have to take one more piece
of junk to the curator to try and...

...sell for you....
Where did you get this?
On a dig down in Thebes.
My whole life I've never found anything.
Please tell me I've found something.


I think you've found something.
See the cartouche.
It's the official royal seal of Seti the First,
I'm sure of it.

-Two questions:

Who the hell was Seti the First,
and was he rich?
