-I didn't mean that.
-I know. I was there.
Seti's place. City of the Dead.
Could you tell me how to get there?
I mean, the exact location.
-You want to know?
-Well, yes.
-Do you really want to know?
Then get me the hell out of here!
Do it, lady!
Where are they taking him?
To be hanged.
Apparently, he had a very good time.
I'll give you 100 pounds
to save this man's life.
Madam, I would pay 100 pounds
just to see him hang.
-200 pounds!
300 pounds!
Any last requests, pig?
Yeah. Loosen the knot and let me go.
Of course we don't let him go!
500 pounds!
And what else?
I'm a very lonely man.
His neck did not break!
I'm so sorry. Now we must
watch him strangle to death.
He knows the location to Hamunaptra.
-You lie.
-I would never!
This filthy, godless son of a pig
knows where to find the City of the Dead?
And if you cut him down,
we will give you....