"Death will come on swift wings...
"...to whomsoever opens this chest."
We should not be here.
This is not good.
It says, "There is one...
"...the undead...
"...who, if brought back to life,
is bound by sacred law...
"...to consummate this curse."
Let's not bring anyone back
from the dead then.
"He will kill all who open this chest...
"...and assimilate their organs and fluids...
"...and in so doing, he will regenerate...
"...and no longer be the undead...
"...but a plague upon this earth."
Well, we didn't come all this way
for nothing.
-That's right.
-It's the curse.
It's the curse.
It's the curse! Beware of the curse!
Stupid superstitious bastard.
I've dreamt about this
since I was a little girl.
You dream about dead guys?
Look, the sacred spells
have been chiseled off.
This man must've been condemned
both in this life and the next.
-Tough break.
-Yeah, I'm all tears.
Now, let's see who's inside. Shall we?
I hate it when these things do that.
Is he supposed to look like that?
I've never seen a mummy
look like this before.
He's still....
He must be more than 3,000 years old...
...and it looks as if he's still...
Look at that.