Let´s go!
- Yeah, Bing!
- You ready for the game Friday?
You´re saying you´ve never seen,
met or talked to Lisa Parker at all ?
No, sir, never.
Who´s this you´re hanging on to?
Salvation Army alert.
Look who Jess is talking to.
She´s such a bottom-feeder.
You working tonight?
You wanna meet me at the diner?
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Cool. See you there.
So, what did he want?
He asked me out.
- And what´d you say?
- l said, ""Okay. lt´s your funeral.""
Well, okay, pardon me.
But is hanging out with jock-boy
such a hot idea?
l just heard that
he´s dating Tracy Campbell, you know.
And she--
Right now she´s giving you the look
of a thousand deaths.
She´s beautiful.
Yeah, duh!
Coach says l´m starting this week.