about my feelings.
- Boring.
- But you-- First of all,
I know there's something.
That evening, when we played chess,
for instance, it was obvious.
- What evening ?
- It's too dangerous for you to take on.
Oh, no, no.
We're brothers.
Hey. And then you do this sordid thing
with Marge-- fucking her...
on the boat, while we
all have to listen,
which was
And you follow your cock around like a--
And now you're getting married.
No, Im bewildered.
Forgive me.
You're lying to Marge and then
you're getting married to her.
You're knocking up Sylvana, ruining
everybody-- You want to play the sax.
You want to play the drums. Which is it,
Dickie ? What are you actually--
Who are you ? Huh ?
Some third-class mooch ? Who are you ?
Who are you to say
anything to me ?
Who are you
to tell me anything ?
Actually, I really, really do
not want to be on this boat with you.
- I can't move without you moving.
- Shut up. Shut up.
It gives me the creeps.
You give me the creeps.
- You shut up.
- I can't move without "Dickie, Dickie,"
Like a little girl
all the time.
Shut up !
Oh, God, Dickie.
- God's sake.
- Oh-- Oh God !
Okay. Okay.
We have to get you-- Okay--
[ Screams ]
I'm gonna kill you !
Kill you !
[ Screaming ]
You're dead !
Stop ! Stop !
Please ! Please !
- [ Screaming ]
- Stop it ! Stop !
- Dickie, let go !
- Ill kill you!
Stop ! Stop !
Stop !
Stop ! Stop !
Stop !
[ Panting ]