Welcome to the Wilshire Grand Hotel.
I'm looking for Bridget Manilla.
She's over there,
second from the end.
I got your name from
a good friend of mine.
Come back later.
I'm really busy right now.
His name's Fuller.
The manager's very tough on us.
You'll have to wait till I'm off duty.
I really don't think
I can wait that long.
Go talk to Ashton over at the bar.
Bridget, do we have
your attention now?
Thank you. Let's go.
Excuse me.
I'm looking for Ashton.
Right there.
Ashton, some guy wants you.
You're a lucky man.
I just opened.
Oh, my. Something wrong?
Bridget just sent me over here.
What can I do you for?
You know a gentleman
named Hannon Fuller?
Gin martini up, one olive and
likes them frigid as an Eskimo.
- Talk to him recently?
- Why?
I'm his friend.
He didn't come home last night...
...and his wife is concerned.
My name is Douglas Hall.
Concerned wives?
I can't help you with that.
How about something fancy?
So did....
Does Fuller come here frequently?
You could say that.