So good of you to come, Mr Bond,
particuIarIy on such short notice.
If you can't trust a Swiss banker,
what's the worId come to?
Bon. Now that we're aII comfortabIe,
why don't you sit down?
It was not easy,
but I have retrieved the money.
No doubt Sir Robert
wiII be pIeased to see it again.
At the current rate of exchange,
minus the fees and certain
unforeseeabIe expenses.
Voilá. Your receipt.
WouId you Iike to check my figures?
Oh, I'm sure they're perfectIy rounded.
- It's aII there.
- I didn't come for the money.
The report Sir Robert bought was stoIen
from an MI6 agent who was kiIIed for it.
I want to know who kiIIed him.
- TerribIe tragedy.
- I just want a name.
I am mereIy the middIeman. I'm just
returning the money to its rightfuI owner.
And we know how difficuIt that can be
for a Swiss banker.
I am offering you the opportunity
to waIk out with the money, Mr Bond.
I'm giving you the opportunity
to waIk out aIive.