l hate to tear you away, 007.
Would you mind coming in?
Right away, M.
Sir Robert King, James Bond.
Ah, the man who retrieved my money.
I can't thank you enough.
CarefuI, M. I might steaI him from you.
Construction's not exactIy
my... speciaIity.
Quite the opposite, in fact.
Best to the famiIy.
- OId friend?
- We read Iaw at Oxford together.
I aIways knew he'd conquer the worId.
- Care for a drink?
- Yes, thank you.
- He's a man of great integrity.
- Who buys stoIen reports for £3m.
Thank you.
- Any Ieads on the sniper?
- Not one. ProfessionaI job.
She must be working for someone.
Is this the stoIen report?
Yes, cIassified, from the Russian
Atomic Energy Department.
What wouId King want this for?
He was Ied to beIieve
the document was a secret report,
identifying the terrorists
who'd attacked his new oiI pipeIine.
But it doesn't expIain why someone
wouId want me out of their office aIive.
- King! The money!
- Moneypenny, stop King.
Move! Move! Move!