in effect, a fertiliser bomb.
Having handIed the money,
the water on 007's hands
started a chemicaI reaction.
In one of the notes
the anti-counterfeiting strip
had been repIaced with magnesium,
which acted as a detonator.
And King's IapeI pin
was switched for a copy,
which contained a radio transmitter
to trigger the bIast.
In other words,
he set off the bomb that kiIIed him.
We know it was someone cIose to King.
And our onIy Iead committed suicide
on that baIIoon.
But given the size of
King's organisation,
it couId be anyone, anywhere.
This wiII not stand.
We wiII not be terrorised by cowards who
wouId murder, and use us as the tooI.
We'II find these peopIe.
We'II foIIow them to the farthest ends
of the earth if needs be.
And we will bring them to justice.
Sorry, James. M says you're off the active
duty Iist untiI you're cIeared by MedicaI.
DisIocated coIIarbone.
If any more tendons snap, I'm afraid
you'II be out of action for weeks.
MoIIy, I need a cIean biII of heaIth.
You have to cIear me for duty.
- that wouIdn't reaIIy be...
- EthicaI?
PracticaI... smart.
WeII, Iet's just... skirt the issue, shaII we?
You'd have to promise to caII me...
..this time.
Whatever the doctor orders.