The World Is Not Enough

And I suppose if you stayed
in constant contact...

Of course.
If you showed sufficient stamina,
- and cut out aII kinds of...
- Strenuous activity?

We aII have to pay the piper some time.
- Right, Q?
- Oh, pipe down, 007.

Was it something I said?
No. Something you destroyed.
My fishing boat.
For my retirement. Away from you!
Now, I want to introduce you to
the young feIIow
I'm grooming to foIIow me.

HeIps if you open the door.
And you might be...?
- This is 007.
- If you're Q, does that make him R?

Ah, yes, the Iegendary 007 wit.
Or at Ieast haIf of it.
Now I dare say, 007,
that you've met your match

- with this machine.
- Yeah?

New modeI, improved specs?
I thought you were on the inactive roster.
Some kind of injury?

Yes, weII, we'II see about that. So?
The very Iatest in intercepts
and countermeasures.

Titanium armour,
a muItitasking heads-up dispIay,

and six beverage cup hoIders.
AII in aII, rather stocked!
FuIIy Ioaded, I think is the term.
- I think...
- You're not here to think.

You're here to do what I teII you.
Now go and put on the coat

and demonstrate it for 007.
