It's a message.
Your terrorist is back.
Victor Zokas, aka...
Renard, the anarchist.
He was operating in Moscow in 1996.
Pyongyang, North Korea, before that.
And he's been spotted in Afghanistan,
Bosnia, Iraq, Iran, Beirut,
and Cambodia.
AII the romantic vacation spots.
His onIy goaI is chaos.
After Robert came to me
I sent 009 to kiII Renard.
Before he compIeted the mission,
EIektra escaped.
A week Iater our man
caught up with the target.
He put a buIIet in his head.
That buIIet's stiII there.
How did he survive?
The doctor who saved Renard
couIdn't get the buIIet out.
So Renard kiIIed him.
It's moving through
the meduIIa obIongata,
kiIIing off his senses.
Touch, smeII, he feeIs no pain...
He can push himseIf harder,
Ionger than any normaI man.
The buIIet wiII kiII him,
but he'II grow stronger every day
untiI the day he dies.
Robert is dead,
MI6 is humiIiated.
He's had his revenge.
Not quite.
Renard had three enemies
in that kidnapping.
And there's stiII one he hasn't touched.
I see the good doctor has cIeared you.
Notes you have exceptionaI stamina.
I'm sure she was
touched by his dedication
to the job in hand.
007, I want you to go to EIektra.
She's taken over the construction of her
father's oiI pipeIine in the Caspian Sea.
Find who switched that pin.