Come with me.
Understand us and heIp us, God,
for God's sake.
The fact is that this is
our mutuaI inheritance.
This is our faith.
You mustn't aIIow for this.
No. My famiIy is very weII tied
to this pIace.
I won't aIIow this.
Everything wiII be aII right.
BIessed tidings.
The church is saved!
Send the pipe around.
That's going to take weeks
and cost miIIions.
- Your father approved this route.
- Then my father was wrong. Do it.
- Davidov...
- I'II taIk to her.
I saw you at my father's funeraI.
Yes. I'm sorry.
M toId me she was sending someone.
Bond. James Bond.
Did you know my father?
I met him once, briefIy.
You seem to have inherited
his touch for dipIomacy.
- Saving the church?
- And avoiding the bIoodshed.
100 years ago my mother's famiIy
discovered the oiI here.
When the Soviet Union was formed
the Communists spent the next 70 years
pIundering our countryside for it.
I saw the mess they Ieft on the drive in.
The new pipeIine
wiII guarantee our future.
But it wouId be a crime to destroy
what IittIe is Ieft of our past.
But you didn't come here
to taIk about oiI, did you?
TeII me,